Task 1: MIMIC-IV Hospitality Mortality after ICU Admission


February 16, 2024

Inspecting the Data from MIMIC-IV dataset

We begin by loading and inspecting the required data from MIMIC-IV:

# load the mortality data
patient_ids <- id_col(load_concepts("adm_episode", "miiv", 
                                    verbose = FALSE)[adm_episode == 1])
dat <- load_concepts(c("acu_24", "diag", "age", "sex", "charlson",
                       "lact_24", "pafi_24", "ast_24",
                       "race", "death"), "miiv", patient_ids = patient_ids,
                     verbose = FALSE)
dat <- dat[race %in% c("Caucasian", "African American")]
dat[, c(index_var(dat)) := NULL]
imp_lst <- list(
  age = 65,
  acu_24 = 0,
  charlson = 0,
  lact_24 = 1,
  ast_24 = 20,
  pafi_24 = 500,
  death = FALSE

for (i in seq_len(ncol(dat))) {

  var <- names(dat)[i]
  if (any(is.na(dat[[var]])) & !is.null(imp_lst[[var]]))
    dat[is.na(get(var)), c(var) := imp_lst[[var]]]

knitr::kable(head(dat), caption = "MIMIC-IV Mortality data.")
MIMIC-IV Mortality data.
stay_id acu_24 diag age sex charlson lact_24 pafi_24 ast_24 race death
30000153 3 TRAUM 61 Male 0 1.7 430.0000 20 Caucasian FALSE
30001396 3 MED 40 Male 1 1.8 361.9048 23 Caucasian FALSE
30001446 11 MED 56 Male 1 1.7 466.6667 114 Caucasian FALSE
30001656 3 NMED 68 Female 0 1.0 500.0000 20 Caucasian FALSE
30001947 2 SURG 43 Male 1 0.7 535.0000 36 Caucasian FALSE
30002415 4 CSURG 72 Female 0 1.0 240.0000 20 Caucasian FALSE

We consider the cohort of all patients in the database admitted to the ICU (and we only consider the first admission of each patient). We also load information on the SOFA score, admission diagnosis, age, sex, Charlson comorbidity index, worst values of lactate, PaO2/FiO2, and AST in first 24 hours. We further load the race information (protected attribute \(X\)) and the death indicator (outcome \(Y\)). We want to investigate the disparities in outcome between "Caucasian" and "African American" groups.

Constructing the SFM

We next construct the Standard Fairness Model, with also a decision \(D\):

# constructing the SFM
X <- "race"
Z <- c("age", "sex")
W <- c("acu_24", "diag", "charlson", "lact_24", "pafi_24", "ast_24")
Y <- "death"

Decomposing the Disparity

fcb <- fairness_cookbook(
  data = dat, X = X, Z = Z, W = W, Y = Y,
  x1 = "Caucasian", x0 = "African American"
2.10843373493976% of extreme P(x | z) or P(x | z, w) probabilities.
Estimates likely biased.

We can then inspect the decomposition by calling autoplot() on the fcb object which is an S3 class of type faircause:

autoplot(fcb) +
  labs(title="Causal decomposition of mortality difference: MIMIC-IV race effect",
       y="Mortality difference (%)") +
  theme_minimal() +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Total Variation", "Direct", "Indirect",
                                "Confounded"), name = "Pathway") +
  scale_fill_discrete(labels = c("Total Variation", "Direct", "Indirect",
                                 "Confounded"), name = "Pathway")

Zooming-in on the Spurious Effect

To better understand the spurious effect, we plot the density of the age distributions between groups: